Ass. Professor Amer Camille Abdallah M.D.


- President Elect of the Lebanese Orthopaedic Society

- Editor of the Orthopaedic issue of the Lebanese Medical Journal

- Member of the advisory board of the American Academy of  Orthopaedic surgeons JAAOS Global journal 

- Secretaire general associé de L'association des Orthopedistes de Langue Francaise AOLF  

- Member of North American Spine Society      (N.A.S.S)

- Member of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeon  ( A.A.O.S)

- Member of the Arthroscopic Association of North America   (A.A.N.A)

- Member of the Canadian Orthopedic Association                  (C.O.A)

- Member of the Lebanese Othopedic Association


Medical Education

Medical Doctor   M.D.          


Post-Medical Education


- D.E.S. Orthopedic Surgery: Montreal University – CANADA.

- Orthopedic & reconstructive surgery   Trauma - Spine, CANADA

- Clinical Fellowship         Arthroplasty and reconstructive surgery,  Montreal University CANADA

- Clinical Fellowship         Sports surgery and Arthroscopy – Montreal University – CANADA

- Microsurgery, St. Joseph University, Beirut -  LEBANON